Kamis, 11 Agustus 2016

My Paying Ads News

Paypal seed money balances are available for use
News Date : July 25, 2016 07:00:00

Dear MPA Members,
The wait is fully over and the Paypal re-purchase balance is ready for your use to make any purchases.

Below are the instructions to use the same:

[1] Go to Balance Transfer page under Finance Tab in your back office.
[2] Select "Paypal" and "Re-purchase balance" under "From Payment Processor : ".
[3] Select your preferred payment processor and "Re-purchase balance" under "To Payment Processor : ".
[4] Enter the full amount available in your Paypal re-purchase balance in the following field: "Transfer Amount : ", Accept Terms and Conditions and then click on "Transfer".
[5] The funds will be ready in the re-purchase balance of your preferred payment processor and you can use the same for making adpack purchases.
[6] Please note that you are only allowed the whole Paypal re-purchase balance to be transferred to your only one designated payment processor and not to multiple payment processors.

Please note that the referral commissions are not being offered on these current purchases for the following reasons:

[1] For all these purchases the referral commissions were already paid earlier and significant number of members have already cashed out those commissions in the old system.
[2] We had to deal with some financial losses due to disputes (about upto 10,000 disputes) and loss of the business during the whole Paypal limitation issue. To be healthy in terms of the site finances we have to take this decision.

All sponsors will be entitled to receive the referral commissions on the re-purchases made from the earnings in future from their downline. Hence, we urge the members cooperation regarding this for better future prospects.

Please note that only when the program is healthy in nterms of finances, we can smoothly deliver the revenue sharing rewards and if that is being disturbed the program will be in difficulty to deliver the anticipated results.

Therefore, we sincerely hope that you will understand our decision and keep your continued support to MPA.

Here we enter a new phase in the History of MPA. We thank everyone for being part of MPA's journey.

Yours Sincerely,
MPA Admin Team

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